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X-PRO Thunder 40cc ATV with Chain Transmission, Pull start! Disc Brake! 6" Tires! $379.95 $599.95
| X-PRO X11 110cc Dirt Bike with Automatic Transmission, Electric Start, Hydraulic Disc Brake! 10" Wheels! Zongshen Brand Engine! $419.95 $699.95
| X-PRO Oahu 50cc Moped Scooter with 12" Aluminum Wheels, Rear Trunk! Electric/Kick Start! Large Headlight! $649.95 $899.95
| X-PRO KP MINI 150cc Street Motorcycle with 5-Speed Manual Transmission, Electric Start! 12" Wheels! Assembled In Crate! $1,599.95 $1,799.95
| X-PRO Bolt 110cc ATV with Automatic Transmission, with Remote Control! Rear Rack! $549.95 $799.95
| X-PRO Cyclone Mini Dirt Bike! Gas Power 4 Stroke Dirt Bike! 40CC Pit Bike, Pull Start! $219.95 $329.95
| MC-N021 125cc Ninja Motorcycle with Manual Transmission, Electric Start! 17" Wheels! Zongshen Brand Engine! Assembled In Crate! $1,349.95 $1,499.95